How to Join

How to Join

The HHP Farmers’ Club is here to provide a place for residents to grow food-crops and flowers for the use of themselves and their families. The club is a totally volunteer-run organization. We are dependent on each other to volunteer time and effort to keep the club going.

Dues for all members are $20 per calendar year. Individual 25′ x 25′ plots are available for an additional $30, payable each year before January. But sometimes planting and – maintaining a plot is too physically demanding. A person might want to participate in the comradery of the club, and help with activities such as the orchard, the citrus grove, market sales or educational opportunities.

So, there are two ways to become a member of the HHP Farmers’ Club: rent a plot or plots OR volunteer. Members who rent plots are also expected to volunteer time for club activities, but members can also increase their volunteer commitment and NOT rent a plot.